About New Ground

For readers

New Ground reports in depth and detail about excellent peer-reviewed science and the way it is conducted. By being more accessible than scholarly research papers, New Ground articles provide deep insights into specialist fields beyond one's own immediate community.

New Ground is open access, selective and multi-disciplinary. New articles are published on a continuous basis.

For researchers who submit a peer-reviewed paper to New Ground

New science emerges at the interfaces: your own insights, crossing the boundaries of fields and specialties, can inspire fellow researchers from related disciplines, lead to new collaborations, and grow your stakeholder network.

New Ground transforms your scholarly publication into a detailed in-depth article, accessible to researchers beyond your immediate community and to scientific stakeholders. Each article aims at being a good read: written by a Ph.D.-qualified expert science writer, thoroughly edited, and finally reviewed by your publication’s senior author.

New Ground Fact Sheet

Find the Fact Sheet here.